Privacy Policy

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1. Overview

1. OPO GROUP LTD notifies you that your privacy is important to us. Maintaining theconfidentiality of your personal data is a core principle of our entire business operations.2. During the rendering of services, we gather, collect and possess certain privateinformation/personal data of yours. This is why we would like to inform you about thefollowing privacy policy that is applicable to you while receiving or applying for any of ourservices.3. Please note that this policy is only applicable to websites directly maintained byOPOFINANCE and not to the other entities or persons to whom we might refer throughbanners or links within our websites.

2. Information collected

1. While receiving or using any of our products/services, the following data about you shall becollected and processed for administrative, service related and/or legal purposes:2. • Personal data, such as names, residential address, e-mail address, etc. according toour Know Your Client (KYC) Policy;• Financial data, such as records concerning your trade activities, account status,balance, etc.3. Your personal data is archived and secured in accordance with the legislation on theprotection of personal data and its processing of the jurisdiction where OPOFINANCE’sprincipal place of business is located.

3. Cookies

1. OPOFINANCE websites contain cookies that ensure wider usage possibilities for thewebsites. Cookies can be rejected using the technological features of your browser;however, this is not advisable, as doing so will interfere with your use of OPOFINANCEwebsite.

4. Use of Information

1. We use your personal information only to deliver you high quality service and secure ourlawful interests. For example, we will use the information collected from you to verify youridentity and contact information. We may also use thisOPOFINANCE is a business brand of Opo group LLC Liability Company, Registered office: Suite305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines underLicense number 866LLC2021information to establish and set up your service account, issue an account number and asecure password, maintain your account activity, and contact you with account information.This information helps us improve our servicesto you and inform you about additional products, services or promotions that may be ofinterest to you.

5. Disclosure of Personal Data

1. OPOFINANCE has executed all the reasonable and necessary measures in order tomaintain a high level of security of your personal data. Our employees, directors, officersand/or representatives are obliged to respect your privacy and your personal data mayonly be disclosed to third parties when appropriate legal grounds exist.2. Please be notified that we may disclose your personal information such as name,address, e-mail address, etc. to third parties authorized by OPOFINANCE and/orrecognized by us on the grounds of established contractual relations.3. We may transfer your personal data to associated or affiliated companies, agents or otherauthorized organizations or persons in order to execute your direct or indirect instructionsconcerning the use of OPOFINANCE services. We guarantee that all persons describedherein adhere to the terms of current policy and execute reasonable measures to protectyour privacy.4. Notwithstanding, we may disclose your personal data to third parties which have notestablished contractual relations with OPOFINANCE on the grounds of their authority andtheir official status

6. Your rights

1. You have the right to request us to reveal the personal data we hold about you. In this casewe may charge a reasonable fee. You also hold the right to know what kind of personal dataabout you is in our possession, the right to change any inaccuracies or discrepancies of thedata, the right to know about the use of your data and the right to block the use of it if yourprivacy is violated.2. You may exercise these rights by submitting a written request to OPO GROUP LCCvia e-mail [email protected].

7. Opt-Out

1. You are not required to supply us any of the personal data against your will; however, itmay result in our being unable to provide services to you. As it is important to us that all ofyour private information is accurate, complete, and up to date, in accordance with yourinterests you should promptly notify us ifOPOFINANCE is a business brand of Opo group LLC Liability Company, Registered office: Suite305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines underLicense number 866LLC2021there are any changes to your personal information. Also, you may approach us in case you want to delete your personal data within OPOFINANCE systems. Please see above for contact information.