Forex Trading

What is Forex Trading?

Forex trading, or "Foreign Exchange Market" trading, is about swapping different countries'money. This happens online, anytime and anywhere in the world, since the Forex marketopened in 1971.

Benefits of Trading with Opofinance

Ultra Tight Spreads

Gain an edge in your trades by benefiting from spreads as low as 0.0 pips.

Exclusive Social Trading

Follow professional traders and mirror their trades through Opo Social Trading Platform.

Practical Trading Tools

We provide exclusive tools to clients, helping them utilize market opportunities.

Trusted and Regulated

Opofinance is a regulated broker and dedicated to safeguarding your funds.

How Does Forex Trading Work?

In Forex trading, you buy one type of money and sell another type at the same time. You aimto make money when the value of these types of money changes. These changes happendue to supply and demand, which also decides the price of one money type compared toanother.

Brokers in Forex Trading

To start Forex trading, you need to choose a broker and open a trading account. Brokershelp connect traders with the market. They provide a platform for trading, data about themarket, different options for borrowing money, and tools for analysis. While brokers mightuse different software, most of them use MetaTrader.

Different Kinds of Brokers

Brokers in Forex trading can be of different types: Market Makers (MM), No Dealing Desk(NDD), Straight Through Processing (STP), and Electronic Communications Network (ECN).Each type has its unique qualities and works for different kinds of traders. For instance, MMsdecide the buying and selling prices based on the market spread, while NDDs connecttraders straight to the global supply and demand system.

Forex Contract Specifications

Check our forex market trading conditions:
Contract Size
Tick Size
Swap Long
Swap Short

Great Britain Pound / US Dollar


Great Britain Pound / Canadian Dollar


Euro / US Dollar


US Dollar / Canadian Dollar


US Dollar / Japanese Yen


Benefits of Trading Forex


Higher liquidity

The forex market represents a trading volume of $4 trillion per day, which makes it easier for you to get in and out of the trades at any time.


Excellent Flexibility

The flexibility caused by giving various options for every budget and the possibility of trading hundreds of currency pairs is great.


24-Hour Market

You can keep trading five days a week and 24 hours a day as the forex market is always on the go and never even takes a minute to rest.


Profit Potential from Both Trends

Buy a currency pair if you think it is going to increase in value, and sell it if you think it is going to decrease.

Trading in Forex

After you've set up an account with a broker, you put the money you want to trade into youraccount. The broker gives you a username and password to access the trading software orplatform. With these details, you can place orders to buy or sell, complete trades, and doother activities related to trading.

What Can You Trade in Forex?

In recent years, Forex trading has expanded to include not just traditional money pairs butalso precious metals, digital money, stocks, oil, and other types of investment. Thisexpansion, helped by advancements in technology, lets traders mix up their investments andmanage risk.

Forex Trading FAQs

CFD is the short form for Contract For Difference, and it is an agreement which enables traders to speculate on the price of a financial instrument without actually owning the asset. The price of the CFD is derived from the price of the instrument. This means that if you buy/sell a CFD, your exposure is the same as if you had bought/sold the actual asset.

We provide various assets in forex, metals, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies and stocks categories.

Our Forex prices are obtained from the liquidity providers. These are the most accurate price quotations for our clients. This is how we guarantee the best trading experience.

You can trade forex pairs, Monday through Friday from 00:00 Mondays to 23:59 Friday. This schedule may be subject to adjustment on holidays.

When you trade forex assets, you speculate on if the price of a currency will rise or fall against another. As an example, if you think that the value of the British pound will rise, relative to the value of the US dollar, you may go ahead and trade the GBP/USD pair.

Start Trading Professional Now

Forex trading can be complex but rewarding. It requires a deep understanding of howmarkets work and careful planning. However, with a good plan, the right broker, and carefulrisk management, you can make a lot of money from this vast market.


● OPO FINANCE PTY LTD. is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) with license number (AFSL) 402043.● OPO GROUP LTD. is a Securities Dealer registered in Seychelles  with registration number 8430865-1 and authorized by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) with license number SD124. The registered office of Opo Group Ltd is at CT House, Office 9D, Providence, Mahe Seychelles. ● OPO GROUP. is an approved member of The Financial Commission an international organization engaged in the resolution of disputes within the financial services industry in the Forex market located in Hong Kong and London. The Financial Commission protects traders’ interests, providing insurance for up to €20,000 per case.● OPO GROUP LLC. is authorized under the Provision of Investment Services, Limited Liability Company act chapter 151 of the revised Laws of Saint Vincent and Grenadines 2009, With Number 866LLC2021 and with registered office: Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.● RISK DISCLAIMER:  Trading involves a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all traders or investors. You should carefully consider your trading goals or objectives, financial situations, level of experience and needs before entering into margin trading with Opofinance. There is a risk of losing substantially more than the investor’s initial investment. Hence, we advise you to only trade the products if you fully understand the risks involved, and can afford them.● OTHER INFORMATION:  The information on this website is subject to change at any time without any prior notice and is solely for educational purposes. The contents do not constitute investment advice and are provided as general market commentary. OPOFINANCE has taken measures to ensure the accuracy of the contents, however, does not guarantee it and is not liable for any losses incurred directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on the website’s information. Please read out the full  Risk Disclosure Statement.● Important:  We are not accepting users from these countries: Turkey, Australia, USA, Japan, Canada, and North Korea.
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